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Governance - Nigeria

Nigeria Show Us The Way

Songs made for the living and dead are different. As a nation the Almighty God knows, shall Nigeria be known without the work of God? Where the name of the Almighty God is called without his work is mocking. Is whore or idolatry new, calling Allah and God without good work is mocking. What works have been done or need be done in Nigeria? Does Igbo, Edo, Yoruba, Hausa, etc need rediscovery in Nigeria? What is the difference between Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa? These have failed humanity tests in Nigeria. A report centred on Nigerians’ ways of life showed failed or failing system and that Nigerians in spite of their religiosities are the worst idolaters and offenders of human rights. By 1441 of the slave trade, the fathers of it did not use money but barter measure. Money! Money, how can our use of money since 1845 drive us crazy to forget brotherly and sisterly love to set fire on us? Is it right to attack any section of Nigeria to become more Nigerian than others? What reasons were adduced to move the federal capital from Lagos to Abuja? It was a more central location for every part to feel the government measures. What happens when some part do not feel the government measures? No part can be a member without any government presence in care and consideration of life. Nigeria must show every part how it belongs to Nigeria. Attacking Igbo for instance is attacking and destroying the foundation of Nigeria. Igbo has a choice of whether to be alone or with any other part of human race including Cameroun (1885) - Middle Belt Yukun Tiv or Edo (Benin) in a gradual process of growth. Nigeria has to show Igbo how it belongs to Nigeria. Nigeria’s attitude to Igbo is like a rude child, which responds to hunger more than to custom. Will hunger disappear without discipline? Which other part of Nigeria has in-depth custom like Igbo that started 874th year of man on earth? Without respect to custom, Nigeria diminishes fast in good living together mannerism. Money wasted personally while the masses suffer lack of essential amnesties is judgment indicator. Who is enemy to Nigeria? It is the one, who gives babies’ foods to the dogs.

Everything a section of Nigeria complains, calls for inquiry but instead of investigating the issues, Nigeria respond with big guns to silence the issue; which of the countries supplying her guns use guns to solve their problems? All the sections of the so-called Nigeria (1914) existed before the Phoenicians (520BC), Portuguese, Spanish (AD1440), Britain (1556) and Germany (1857) came to confuse, thwart and exploit the people – goodwill was a pretext. Prejudicial religions and slave trade were various tactics to deceive and subdue. As the world has metamorphosed and displayed wicked vices and biased evolution, we appeal to Chiukwu (Almighty God), Creator of the world and positioner of all lives to judge. With rapid explosion of population amid limited economics, a central administration is impossible. None of the suitable countries (America, Russia, Germany, China; Britain) is ruled from the centre. Thus, as things stand in the 21st century, living together is not a necessity without very good living together terms and conditions. A people to love themselves like grasses in the garden, how will the garden be sustained greedily, callously and prejudicially?

After 57 years of independence, Nigerians have had the chance to ascertain and know itself - its limitations and opportunities. Igbo is Igbo by nature of its origin, being and purpose. The same applies to Edo, Yoruba and Hausa. None has the power to dominate others but jointly a healthy living together could be made. Pre-occupied with persons & positions without duties to the people prompts thoughts of neglect and omission. Since Adam, the root of all of us, every race has some problems treasured in its loft awaiting solution. The Igbos’ started since 874th year of man on earth to have various classes that impacted on them. Also, the slave trade (1441 to 1901), impacted on them heavily. The central system cannot understand the past issues that block the path to the future but affected regions can understand. Our ancestors often covenanted to let the past be gone and start anew but since 1914, Nigeria drags its sections with their faults and it is not going to work out well without reconciliation.

Igbos take the history and custom for granted? Can Nigeria help Igbo to be well? Now into the New Era, the tide is about problem solving and setting free for what happens next. Nigeria hasn’t any clue of Igbo root of nations and cannot hamper its search for solutions. The variation of cultures is the beauty of the country but to suppress or deny true root or custom of life will have negative effects. I suppose a living and enabling research is to enable every part to become contributively tasked to the growth of the country. Civilisation is better developed and owned than copied. Copied means reliance on other people’s brain and without the secrets; manipulative errors cause more failures. Can Nigeria show the way for its future into the 21st century? This is the crux of the matter. If it cannot show the way, it cannot hold any part to ransom of corruption & prejudices. We Nigerians have blamed the past as living in the past. The past is surely history and with our education and experiences, we must suck the juice of the past to spring to health future. Can Nigeria enable and facilitate this? As our ancestors would say: let the past be bygone: The Future of Nigeria (ISBN: 9780992868871) - sold at provides the solution to start, which will stimulates the sections while the centre serves as a catalyst to quicken growth and sustenance. If Nigeria cannot support and encourage a mutually inter-dependent co-existence, we do not make a good living together.

A good structure facilitates organisational efficiency. With good structure and unbiased devotion to development; even, only good transport network like the UK can absorb the whole Nigerian labour force. What of civilised agriculture, water, health…, Nigeria will seek more labour outside but why is Nigeria suffocating in bad structure? Nigeria transfused to become bigger; it must adapt civilly to benefit from its size. This is only possible by impersonalising Nigeria to develop holistic and rationalisation system to assess, transform and absorb everyone. Show us the way Nigeria or you cannot hold us back naively. If you want us, give us our true value. Some of the peoples that made up Nigeria were even of better customs before any religions (Igbo Heritage ISBN: 9780992868895 - sold at What sustained them from 874th year of man on earth (customs) was more reliable in discipline than the later 1800s religions of prejudices and rivalries without justice. With the covenants and safety shrines, our ancestors had stopped killing, embezzlement, rape, betrayal, corruption and kidnapping. What made 1800s’ religious divide; slave trade and reintroduced killing is worth addressing because that is what the New Era is about to judge if unsuited.

Can Nigerian overcome greed to champion resettlement custom? All problems created on earth must be resolved on earth and the unresolved ones are what judgment is about. We have had rough past but the present, at our watch must be clean and spotless or all the past shall be called up to judgment. I mean sensibility indicts us to our generational equity but failure to treat that all the past shall be sifted and judged on us. Nigeria, what is agenda for 180m in the 21st century? It annoys to hear of waste in the midst of needs; should we look on Nigeria or elsewhere?

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Meeting with bussiness owners and entrepreneurs to coordinate joint operations and projects


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Meeting with concerned Nigerians to coordinate actions for a united front for a better future of the country


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Meeting with bussiness owners and entrepreneurs to coordinate joint operations and projects


Political Theme

Meeting with concerned Nigerians to coordinate actions for a united front for a better future of the country


Business Theme

Meeting with bussiness owners and entrepreneurs to coordinate joint operations and projects


Political Theme

Meeting with concerned Nigerians to coordinate actions for a united front for a better future of the country


Business Theme

Meeting with bussiness owners and entrepreneurs to coordinate joint operations and projects


Political Theme

Meeting with concerned Nigerians to coordinate actions for a united front for a better future of the country


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